Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Breast Cancer

ddBreast cancer is a disease where there is excessive growth or uncontrolled growth of cells (tissue) breast, This can happen to women and men. From all over the world, penyakir breast cancer (Breast Cancer / Carcinoma mammae) reported as one cause of cancer death number five (5) after; kaker lung, uterus cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer.
# Cause Breast Cancer
Breast cancer disease spelled the most common cancer diseases strike women, though men also have the possibility of having this disease with a ratio of 1 in 1000. It is not yet known exactly what causes this cancer occurs, but several factors likely are:
1. Age, disease increases breast cancer in the teenage years and upwards.
2. Genetic, There are two types of genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2) that Sagat may be a risk. If the mother or female relatives of breast cancer, then you likely have an increased risk of breast cancer two-fold compared to the other women in her family there was no single patient.
3. The use of drugs, for example a woman who uses hormone replacement therapy drugs {hormone replacement therapy (HRT)} as exogenous hormones would cause increased risk of getting breast cancer.
4. Other factors are suspected as the cause of breast cancer are: unmarried, married but no children, gave birth to her first child after age 35, never breastfed children.
Some studies reveal that breast cancer is increased in people who often face stressful conditions (shaking the soul) and also for women who previously experienced a period under the age of 11 years.
# Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
For those of you who feel any strange lumps around the breast tissue or even one of your breasts look bigger, better consult a doctor quickly. These lumps are usually painless, ranging from the small size that became large and palpable as attached to the skin. Some cases of breast skin changes around the lump or change in the nipple.

When the lump started to grow, then cause pain (pain) when pressed. If you feel pain in the breast and nipple that does not go away, you should immediately consult a medical. The nipple into the contract, which was pink and finally become brown and even the existence of edema (swelling) around the nipple is one strong sign of breast cancer. Another thing is the frequent discharge from the nipple when not nursing your baby.
# Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer can be known with certainty by taking tissue samples of breast cells that have pembenjolan (action biopsy). This way it will know the type of cell growth is experienced, whether the tumor is benign or malignant tumor (cancer).
# Type Breast Cancer
Through the examination of the call with mammograms, the type of breast cancer can be categorized into two parts, namely:

Rate translation
1. Non-invasive breast cancer, cancer that occurs in the bag (tube) milk {liaison between the alveoli (milk producing glands) and nipples}. In the language of medicine called 'ductal carcinoma in situ "(DCIS), which is where the cancer has not spread to the outside of the network of milk bag.
2. Invasive breast cancer, cancer that has spread beyond the milk bag and invade the surrounding tissue may even lead to the spread (metastasis) such other body gets lympa and other glands through the bloodstream.
# Handling and Treatment of Breast Cancer
Handling and treatment of breast cancer depends on the type and stage experienced by patients. Generally, a person only known disease of breast cancer after stepping up a fairly severe stadium, this is due to a lack of knowledge or a sense of shame so too late for medicine was examined for abnormalities that it faces.
1. Surgery, the breast cancer is known from an early age then surgery is the appropriate action. The doctor will remove the lump and a small area surrounding the then replace it with another muscle tissue (lumpectomy). Broadly speaking, there are 3 surgery or breast cancer surgery including;
- Radical Mastectomy, the surgical removal of part of the breast (lumpectomy). This operation is always followed by the provision of radiotherapy. Lumpectomy is usually recommended in patients with large tumors less than 2 cm and located at the edge of the breast. - Total Mastectomy, the surgical removal of the entire breast, but not the glands in the armpit. - Modified Radical Mastectomy, the surgical removal of the entire breast, breast tissue in the sternum, collarbone and ribs, and lump around the armpit.
2. Radiotherapy (Radiation / radiation), ie the process of irradiation on the area affected by cancer by using X-rays and gamma rays are aimed at killing any remaining cancer cells in the breast after surgery. This action has the effect of unfavorable as the body becomes weak, poor appetite, skin color around the breast to be black, as well as hemoglobin and leukocytes tended to decline as a result of radiation.
3. Hormone Therapy, This is known as 'anti-estrogen therapy' that the system works to block the ability of the hormone estrogen in stimulating breast cancer development.
4. Chemotherapy, This is the process of providing anti-cancer drugs in pill or capsule or liquid through the infusion aimed at killing cancer cells. The system is expected to reach the target in the treatment of cancer that may have spread other body gets. The impact of the patients experienced kemoterapy nausea and vomiting and hair loss due to the influence of drugs given during chemotherapy.
5. Herceptin treatment is biological therapy is known to be effective against HER2-positive in women with breast cancer stage II, III and IV by the deployment cancernya cells.
# Prevention of Breast Cancer
For those of you who feel there are things that look different in the breast, get it checked out to a doctor not to be late. For example the next enlargement, the surrounding breast lump, pain constantly on the nipple and so on as in the description of signs and symptoms of breast above.
Other actions you can do is to avoid obesity, Eat less fat, Try to consume lots of foods containing vitamins A and C, do not eat too many salted and smoked foods, exercise regularly, and breast check-ups since the age of 30 years regularly .

Xamthone cancer herbal remedy made from a whole plus the mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana) Roselle Flowers, apples, grapes. Recent studies show that mangosteen contains powerful antioxidants that xanthone, exceeding several times the power of vitamins C and E.
Journal of pharmacology, publish that xamthone cancer herbal medicine plus having an anti-cancer effects such as breast cancer, blood cancer (leukeumia) and liver cancer. In addition, herbal medicines plus xamthone cancer has many health benefits such as address cardiovascular health, especially heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension and platelets. xamthone cancer herbal medicine plus also widens blood vessels and blood circulation memeperlancar. mangosteen is also rich in potassium minerals that helps metabolize energy. Efficacy of herbal medicines plus xamthone cancer is not just an antioxidant, but also as the result of research anticancer Moongkarndi. Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University researchers tested the herbal remedies with cancer in preclinical research aka SKBR3 human breast cancer cell cultures. The result? Mangosteen peel extract is a powerful antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition it extracts it is also apoptosis or support the destruction of cancer cells.
Chi Kuan Ho of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital revealed that the herbal medicine plus a panacea to overcome cancer cell xamthone HCCs hepatocellular carcinomas or liver cancer. Xanthone derivative was Garcinone E. We suggest that Garcinone E may potentially be used in the treatment of some types of cancer associated with gastrointestinal and lung. Functions of herbal medicines plus xamthone cancer is through the whole body, neutralizing free radicals, so that our body becomes cleaner and healthier than ever before. xamthone cancer herbal medicine plus leather as mangosteen has anti-cancer properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, lowering cholesterol, Antiviral, anticendawan, antiparasitic, anti-allergic, Helps lower blood pressure, keep still excellent stamina, help you lose weight, maintain immune to disease, protect the liver, Combating diarrhea, Analgesics, Anti-Parkinson, Anti-Alzheime, preventing depression, Lowers fever.
A study in Singapore showed that the antioxidant properties of the mangosteen fruit is much more effective when compared with antioxidants on rambutan and durian. Xanthones are not found in other fruits except the mangosteen fruit, mangosteen in the world because it is given the nickname "Queen of Fruit" or The Queen of Fruits. From various studies herbal cancer drug content xamthone plus effective against breast cancer in vitro, and vascular medicine. Efficacy garcinone E (devirat xanthone) is far more effective to inhibit cancer when compared with cancer drugs such as flaraucil, cisplatin, vincristin, metohotrexete, and mitoxiantrone. So entrust your healing on cancer drugs xamthone Plus.

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